Maybe you’ve never been to church before and the thought of it makes your heart race. Or, maybe you haven’t been in a few years and don’t know what to expect. And…you have a thousand question…some of them might be like these: what kind of clothes should I wear? If I have kids, can they come and what will they do? What time does it start? What kind of music will I hear? Will there be anyone that I know there?

So, let us tell you what to expect. First, the worship service (what most folks call “church”). Wear clothes that you are comfortable in, but modest. We have folks that wear jeans and t-shirts, jeans and hoodies, khakis and t-shirts, jeans and polos, khakis and polos, and so on. If you have kids, PLEASE bring them…we love it when children come to church and worship! For pre-k up to 4th grade, we have “busy bags” (bags that have a craft or game, some goldfish or other chewable, something to color on, etc.) and then during Pastor John’s sermon time, the pre-k through kindergarten will go to children’s church in a separate (and safe!) room with a pair of our volunteers (who have been background checked and trained) who will go through a craft with them, do a brief devotional with them, and then let them play (if it’s outdoors and a nice day, we have a playground!). During the overall service, you’ll heard songs that are traditional hymns, the reading of God’s word which will be the sermon Bible verses for that day, as well as a message from God’s word by Pastor John. We have an invitation at the end, because it is our belief that after you’ve heard the word preached, you should have a chance to respond if God has told you to.

Second, in addition to all that, here’s what you’ll also find: people with a genuine love for Jesus and you. You’ll see smiles on our faces and we’d love to shake your hand, or a fist bump, if you’re comfortable with it. We’ll give you a goody bag as our way of saying “thanks for coming”. You can expect to feel the presence of God, because we firmly believe that God is present when his people genuinely worship him.

That’s what you can expect…we look forward to seeing you soon…at 11 am on Sunday mornings, 232 Washington St. Come home!